Executive Interim

Interim Management

(Financial Management, Human Resources Management, Logistics Management)

An executive interim manager is a professional with extensive experience in direction and management who joins a company externally to carry out a very specific executive mission for a certain period of time and with previously defined objectives.

Temporary substitution of a management position (Financial, Human Resources, Logistics)

    Cessation or resignationTemporary leavePending final incorporation

Consolidation and professionalization of startups

    Creación startupsPilotaje de startups, spin offs

Managing a change

major organization

    Intervention after a Due Diligence of purchase or mergerRestructuring of areas, departments and/or business unitsProfessionalization of a family businessManagement of the process of acquiring a companyImplementation of cost reduction plansImplementation of Sarbane OxleyOptimization of ERP's and CRM'sManagement of the company's sales processManagement of the process company mergerDevelopment of management skills


Professionals with extensive experience in a specific mission to be carried out that the company has considered strategic and that requires the utmost dedication, experience and knowledge.


Temporary link limited to the completion of the project, which implies a variable cost for the company.


Quick start-up and flexibility due to the specific experience of the professional. Greater objectivity in the performance of their managerial work by having an external vision of the company.

What are the advantages of hiring an Interim Manager?

Other services


Integral adviser. Payroll outsourcing (e-payroll)


The accounting and taxation of your company in the hands of experienced professionals. (e-account)


Corporate Finance. Establishment of subsidiaries in Spain. Headhunting and Human Resources. Implementation of applications.
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